Alice Campus Panarama

University of Fort Hare Project Details:

University of Fort Hare Logo

Client: University of Fort Hare – Alice Campus
Date completed: In progress
Cost of construction: R390 million
Materials used: Standard construction
Number of student beds: 1 437

Alice Campus Building Progress

Additional renovation projects

University of Fort Hare Logo

Client: University of Fort Hare – Salisbury House, East London
Date completed: Mid 2010
Cost of construction: R8 million
Materials used: Renovation of Standard construction apartments for student accommodation
Number of student beds: 81

University of Fort Hare Logo

Client: University of Fort Hare, Beachview, East London
Date completed: 2011
Cost of construction: R8 million
Materials used: Renovation of Standard construction apartments for student accommodation
Number of student beds: 91

University of Fort Hare – Alice Campus

Tags: Student Accommodation / University of Fort Hare